We don't know what may be around the corner.  Even if we have traveled the road many times.  New and unforeseen things can be just around that corner.  How do I handle things I can't see, and may not understand?  By Faith, and by experience.  If you have walked the path with Jesus over years, you know it doesn't matter what lies ahead, because He is with you, holding you with His strong right arm.

Most Gracious and Loving Father.  Right now our world is upside down, and every corner seems to have a new law or restriction.  Our hearts are weary, and tired but we know that YOU know what is just beyond the bend, and YOU are in Total Control, so I will place my hand in yours, and feel the strength of Your strong right arm, and I will rest in the assurance, that what I can't foresee, You can!  Thank You for always being there for us.  I love You.  Amen.

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