Troubles and Trials

John 16:33 (NLT)
 “Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows.

In these days of our lock down, lock in, lock up and lock out existence there is a heart breaking reality. The overwhelming agony of troubles and trials have driven many to desperate measures. Alcoholism has increased; domestic violence is painfully destroying many families, economic crisis of jobs being lost and basic needs unmet, friendship gatherings being forbidden, sporting events and entertainment shut down, churches prohibited from indoor worship of God and Bible Studies, and some people drowning in the depression of hopelessness have ended their lives.

What possible answer can we find to help us in and through these uncertain and difficult times? What answer can we share to give people hope that there is a future to live for? Science is not the answer, nor is education, politics, philosophy, government, religion or anything man can devise on his own. But there is an answer!

What is the answer: “Jesus told him I am the way…..” The way God the Father provided for us is God the Son. And how we respond to him will determine whether we endure and escape our troubles and trials. The following is not a formula but the truth based on the authority of God's word and promise.

Focus on Jesus – “Looking to Jesus” Hebrews 12:2

Faith in Jesus – “….Trust in ME….” John 14:1

Follow Jesus – “the LORD is my Shepherd…..He leads me…” Psalm 23:1-2 

The way through and the way out of troubles and trials is in Jesus, but in order for us to experience his deliverance we must accept him as our Lord and Savior. “If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” Romans 10:9 (NLT)

Thank you heavenly Father for your love in sending Your Son to be our Savior. Thank you Lord Jesus for your willing obedience in sacrificially providing salvation for us. And thank you Holy Spirit sealing and confirming that salvation by your wittiness in our heart. Thank you for deliverance.


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