a prayer for discernment

Holy and Righteous God,

It's so hard to be living in days when there is so much deception that it is often difficult to know the truth. Most days it feels like no information can be trusted. Deception not only in the world but in the Church because sin still lives in this world, even though we have been set free from the spiritual bondage of sin. Lord, why can't it be so for the whole world, so that we can know the truth easily?

Thank You that we are already free form the bondage of sin and death. Thank You for planting my feet firmly planted on the Lord Jesus Christ. But I also ask that You would grant us discernment and an understanding heart to know what is good and true, and to be able to identify and reject what is false and deceptive. For we know this is a promise You've made for us. 

Help us to test every spirit to see what is truth or whether deception is being peddled. Give us wisdom and understanding to discern the difference between truth and error. And give us courage to speak against error when we see in in this world. May we listen to Your voice, and may we do what it says.

You are the God of peace. Give us gentle spirits and an understanding hearts.


But you have an anointing from the Holy One, and all of you know the truth -1 John 2:20 

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