the corona school year beatitudes

The Corona School Year Beatitudes

Blessed are the teachers, for they are being asked to teach in the classroom, while also teaching virtually, while also handling children who haven’t had a semblance of normalcy in six months, while also risking their own lives, while also juggling balls that are on fire, while underpaid and blindfolded.

Blessed are the families, for they shall have to choose the least sucky choice between choices that ALL suck real real bad.

Blessed are they who make the plans, for they shall be condemned publicly by every jerk with an internet connection and a subpar grasp of the rules of grammar and human decency.

Blessed are the janitors, for we all know how hard it is to clean up after our own kids and this is like that except times a hundred and if they miss a spot people might die.

Blessed are the school nurses, for they shall have offices full of kids who don’t know if their cough means they have a harmless cold or a scary virus.

Blessed are the working parents, for they shall stretch themselves thinner than ever to try to get it all done, all while feeling like they have failed in every way possible.

Blessed are the stay at home parents, for they shall wear so many hats their heads will be too heavy to hold, all while feeling like they have failed in every way possible.

Blessed are the homeschoolers, for they shall take on ALL the responsibility during a global pandemic when even small responsibilities feel overwhelming and getting through the day should be considered a victory.

Blessed are the children, for they are loved enough for us to do all of this, even when we don’t know how we are going to. ♥️

- posted on Facebook by Liz Petrone

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