for discernment

Holy Father,

We exalt Your glorious and powerful name; the name above all names, the name that makes demons tremble, the name that causes angels to bow down and worship, the name that we cry out to in our suffering. Your compassion for us is always near, and Your love for us never fails.

We come before You today, Father, asking for Your wisdom and discernment in a time when things are often far too muddled and confusing. Father, we long for truth. As challenging as it can be to hear and to know, Your truth is what gives us a solid foundation. Lord God, help us to see the truth. Open our hearts and minds, and enter in to permeate the power of the truth of Your Word to us! For Your truth is power, Your truth guides and protects, and Your truth is what we need to stand strong and stand sure.

We thank You for continuing to shape and form us into You image. Father, guide our steps so that we may bring You glory and honor. Help us to shine the light of Your truth into the dark places of this world.


To all, life Thou givest - to both great and small;  

In all life Thou livest, the true life of all;  
We blossom and flourish as leaves on the tree,  
And wither and perish - but naught changeth Thee. 
(from Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise written by Walters Chalmers Smith)

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