for small steps


We long to take big steps forward. In our successes, in our growth. In our careers, in our relationships. Yet more often, we are the people of small steps.

We are stubborn and set in our ways. We like things the ways we've constructed them. We;ve built our lives the way we have because we like them that way. We also believe that as your children we are growing and changing - You have called us to that. You've called us to be shaped into the person of Christ, daily. Many of usz would like to have that figured out already, to take big leaps foward every day so that we are more like Christ.

Father, we submit our minds, our hearts, and our bodies to Your will. Help us to see the power and the beauty of the small steps that move us forward each new day. Let us not find despair in how far we have to go, but to hope in all the miles You have already brought us. We know You honor our small steps, Lord. Help us to celebrate and honor them, too.


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