a prayer for perspective


We are struggling to understanding so much right now. We don't understand what people are ding, what is happening, what You are doing, and it's making us feel all the emotions. 

Sad? Check.
Angry? Check. 
Happy? Sometimes, but less so, really.
Fear? Yep, that one too.

The ugliness of our hearts are being revealed not just to ourselves, but to the world. The idols we've put in Your place are getting bigger as we get angrier and more fearful.

Father, let us be like Habakkuk who brought all his questions to You. And then he went up on a tower and waited.

I will stand at my guard post and station myself on the lookout tower. I will watch to see what he will say to me and what I should reply about my complaint. (2:1)

Help us find our tower, Lord. How can we get perspective? Where is our tower? Where can we go to see things from the right perspective? Help us to stand back and get the bigger picture. Give us Your eyes to see and Your heart to feel and Your wisdom to respond.


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