Sometimes we just need to get back to the basics!  What could be more basic than the 23rd Psalm at this time of unrest and frustration in our nation.

Dear Holy Shepherd, I praise you that my needs are met daily from Your loving hand. You bring me rest in green pastures and give me cool water to drink.   When I feel lost, You restore my soul.  When I feel unworthy, you lead me in the path of Your righteousness.  You do this for YOUR name sake.

When I don't know what to do, You walk hand and hand with me through those dark shadows and give me strength to fear no evil.  Thank You Father that you are with me, your discipline and love comfort me and show me the way. 

You prepare a table before me, and show me I don't have to fear my enemies.  Because of your precious healing oil, my cup runs over and Your goodness and mercy follow me where ever I go.  And when this life and troubles are over, I will be with my Good Shepherd forever in Your house that has many rooms.  Rooms for all who know the Good Shepard. Thank You Father.  I love You.  Amen.

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