Prayer by John Baillie

O Thou to whom I owe the gift of this day's life, give me also, I beseech Thee, the spirit to use it as I ought.  Forbid that I should stain the brightness of the morning with any evil thought or darken the noontide with any shameful deed.  Let Thy Holy Spirit breathe into my heart today all pure and heavenly desires.  Let Thy truth inform my mind.  Let Thy justice and righteousness make a throne within me and rule my errant will.  Let Christ be formed in me, and let me learn of Him all lowliness of heart, all gentleness of bearing, all modesty of speech, all helpfulness of action, and promptness in the doing of my Father's will.

Cast down, O Lord, all the forces of cruelty and wrong.  Defeat all selfish and worldly-minded schemes, and prosper all that is conceived among us in the spirit of Christ and carry out to the honor of His blessed Name.   Amen.

This prayer by John Baillie in his book "A Diary of Private Prayer" may be a little hard to read because of the old English style of writing and speaking in the days this was written.  But the message is loud and clear, and I've been blessed over a couple decades of reading and praying these Morning and Evening prayers. 


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