a prayer for waiting

I will stand at my watch
    and station myself on the ramparts;
I will look to see what he will say to me,
    and what answer I am to give to this complaint. - Habakkuk 2:1


We don't understand what You are doing, and we desperately want to. We are searching for all the information, then we distrust the information. We are looking to every place we can for answers. And sometimes, we even think we've found them. Then the next week, another answer comes that's different. It confusing. it's maddening.

We just want to understand.

Father, teach us to surrender to the goodness of Your will, and please show us the way of humility when it's Your will to not clue us in to all of your inner workings. As we seek to understand You, may we remember that Your ways are not ours, and our thoughts are not like Yours. And that's okay! Because we trust that you are good and faithful. You are for us, not against us.

Teach us to wait like Habakkuk, after presenting our questions... to be patient enough to trust that You will answer when it's best for us to know. And give us faith to accept that You may choose never to answer our questions.


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.

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