a prayer for patience


In the midst of a changing situation, we are unsure what to do. And that makes us frustrated. We like answers, plans, knowing, surety.

We know we can trust You and be sure in You. But that doesn't take away our impatience in getting back to our lives as we know it. We feel this tangibly. And many of us don't know what to do in the midst of this emotion.

So Lord, we simply ask for patience. We ask for a deep abiding in You, and a deeper understanding that because this is not within our control that it provides an opportunity to stretch our patient hearts and minds. Make our restless hearts be at peace in who You are, and at peace in knowing that because You are good, we can trust Your sovereignty.

Help us not to act out in irrational ways because of our impatience. Help us speak only life-giving words to one another. Teach us in our impatience and anger to put that energy into prayer for the person or situation causing these emotions.

Help us to love our neighbor, pray for our neighbor, and be content in all circumstances.


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful and much needed prayer Stephanie! Thanks for sharing it.


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