*"Grief is a power emotion we've all experienced, particularly at the death of a loved one or a treasured hope.  Mary Magdalene experienced it.  She had traveled and help support Jesus and His disciples.  But His cruel death on a cross had separated them.  The only thing left for Mary to do for Jesus was to finish anointing His body for burial."

Then came the morning!!

"Mary, there He was.  Alive ~ instantly her grief was turned to joy.  Mary now had joyful news to share: "I've seen the Lord!"

Oh Lord, how we are filled with joy as your resurrection has turned our grief to joy!  Mary didn't know the end of the story, but we do! Thank you for the Word of God that tells us the good news, that because YOU LIFE, we too shall live. Father, I pray that peoples eyes and hearts will be open to see the Living Christ this Easter!  I pray that our nation will never be the same.  That we will come out of this horrible plague and know YOU are God, and You desire a personal relationship with each person alive.  We pray this in the saving name of Jesus~  The name above all names!!  I love YOU.  Amen. 

*Daily Bread 4/12/2020


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