"Jesus at the climax of his ministry was making a statement.  This was an object lesson that proclaimed who he was ~~The Son of David, the King of kings, the one who conquered sin and sickness.  Conquering generals at that time were given a "triumphal entry" upon their return to their home city.  Palm branches were often waved during times of celebration and victory.  The procession caused the city, crowded with people for  Passover, to consider Jesus' claims!!"*

Father God, as we come to Palm Sunday, the world is not the same.  Churches will not be filled with worshipers wanting to celebrate Palm Sunday and there will be no children waving palm branches to King Jesus in the streets.  But YOU are doing a new thing this year, a year like no other ~~ So Father, we pray that there will be a spiritual awaking like we have never seen before, and thousands will come to You for the gift of grace and salvation.  Father we do celebrate You today.  In our hearts we are waving those branches and shouting to the world that you are the Victor.  The King of Kings and the soon coming Lord.  I love You.  Amen!

 *Taken from the Quest Study Bible

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