"After thirty years of walking with Christ, I don't believe I fully understand all that Christ suffered for me or what it means for Him to do that, but I find myself more determined than ever to try to embrace the cross that Christ embraced for me.  Join me in the journey of seeking Him, considering Him, worshiping Him --of walking with Him along The Path of His Passion.  I believe it will be worth it, for we will see Him -- and that is all that matters."
                                                                                   ~ Bill Crower

Father God, I pray this morning as I join Bill Crower in his devotional The Path of His Passion, to see Christ in a new and deeper way.  To follow in His foot steps as He makes His way to the Cross.  Help me to understand such love, and how very personal it is.  That He would endure the suffering and cross for me....and for the millions who will say "yes" to his invitation to life eternal.  I love You.  Amen.


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