"Then all the disciples left Him and fled" (Matthew 26:56)

As Adam learned, the God of the garden is the God of grace.
As Jonah learned, the God that is sovereign is also the God of the second chance.
As the disciples will learn, though they abandoned Christ, He will never abandoned them.

Lord Jesus, in the darkness, we try to hide from Your gaze, but Your eyes clearly see.  Expose our hearts when they move toward treachery and self-seeking.  Strengthen our hearts when we need to stand strong, and remind us of the perfect peace that comes when we rest in the matchless purposes of the Father's plans.  Remind us that we do not need the weapons of the world or even the armies of heaven to protect us --we need only the Shepherds powerful care.   Help us to trust You with all our hearts."  We love You, Amen.

The Path of His Passion ~ Bill Crowder

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