I must tell Jesus all of my trials
I cannot bear these burdens alone;
In my distress He kindly will help me,
He ever loves and cares for His own.
I must tell Jesus all of my troubles;
He is kind, compassionate Friend;
If I but ask Him, He will deliver,
Make of my troubles quickly an end.
Tempted and tried I need a great Savior,
One who can help my burdens to bear;
I must tell Jesus, I must tell Jesus;
He all my cares and sorrows will share.
Father God, how the words of this old hymn comfort my soul.  We all need someone to tell our troubles to, especially in this time of isolation.  Who better than Jesus Himself.  Only You have all the answers for a troubled and fearful world.  Lord, reach down and comfort your people, and those who don't believe, open their eyes to see that You alone can calm those fears and bear our burdens.  We love and trust You.  Amen.


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