a prayer of trust


Great story maker, story creator, story writer, we long to know what You are up to right now.

We are wrecked by the ravages of the Fall, for sickness and death were never part of Your plan when You created this world. We sit in extreme brokenness right now. Broken systems, broken lives, broken hearts, and cry out, because we know this is not how it's supposed to be.

What are You doing, Father?

When we don't know, guide us to what we do. Your word tells us the truth of who You are:

You are faithful.
You are powerful.
You are personal.
You are present.
You are truth.
You are holy.
You are merciful.
You are just.
You are all-knowing and all-seeing.
You are love.
You are eternal.
You are good.

Help us say these things all day long, O Lord. These things we know to be true. And it's because we know these truth that we must learn to trust. You've never failed us yet.

Teach us to trust.


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.

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