a prayer for wisdom in the face of fear

Jesus be with us all and bring the deepest peace as we learn to navigate this strange normal.

Replace fear with steady trust, panic with quiet soul rest, and loneliness with Your presence. Keep us from shaming one another for our feelings of fear, and give us the right words to respond to those who are scared. Teach us to be kind.

Remind us of the hope of Jesus Christ, and help us know we are not alone. Guide us to ways we can help and serve others while keeping them and ourselves protected. Help us not be selfish, to sacrifice for others, to check in on one another, and love our neighbor well.

Remind us, Lord, that faith and wisdom are the same side of one coin. Help us be wise in our preparedness, and still trust in Your providential care, for Your word says "The prudent see danger and take refuse, but the simply keep going and pay the penalty." (Proverbs 22:3)

We ask for you to:

Empower people to quickly discover and make a vaccine.
Provide for those who will lose income.
Strengthen our healthcare workers.
Protect the frail.
Swiftly heal those who are sick.
Give wisdom to our national leaders as they make difficult decisions.
Help parents at home struggling to keep their children busy due to school closings.
Convict employers to treat their employees well.
Slow the panic of hoarding items at the store.

Give us eyes to see what we can do to slow this virus and to help others who are in need


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.

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