a prayer for the difficult road

Heavenly Father,

This road before me looks pretty scary.

Aside from the uneven ground, the rocks, the tree branches in my way and no visable path, it's even scarrier that I can't see what's at the end of the road. I am unsure on my feet. Crawling seems like a terrible idea. I don't have the right gear to make this traveling safer, and I just don't want to do it.

I did not choose this path, but it is the path before me and I have to figure out a way through.

Father, remind me not to trust in myself as much as I trust You. Tell me to stop when I need to, and move forward when You ask me to. Help me to know where to look, where to step and when to jump, where to duck, when to run, and when to stop.

Though I do not trust the path itself, I pray to learn how to trust in the One who not only guides me in the path, but walks with me in it. Remind me to lean into and depend on all that You are and all that You have promised to do.


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