letting go

I sometimes think that prayer is often about yielding to God and allowing him to work through us. With a view to that please pray over these words by singer and author Sheila Walsh as she shares a new perspective on verse 10 of Psalm 46.
Be still and know that I am God.

The original Hebrew root of “Be still“ doesn’t mean “be quiet”; it means “let go”.

That’s very different, don’t you think?

Let go and know that I am God!

Let go of trying to control your spouse!

Let go of your worry about your finances!

Let go of your unforgiveness!

Let go of your past!

Let go of what you can’t control 
— and rest in the knowledge that God is working!
Lord, we say amen. Help us to let go and know that you are God.

Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.

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