Intimacy in prayer

We will never have TRUE peace in the midst of all our trials and hard circumstances until we develop an intimate life of prayer with God.

Intimacy in prayer is vital to our spiritual walk. 

Intimacy in prayer is vital to the strength of our fight. 

Intimacy in prayer is of the utmost importance in cultivating a deep and powerful relationship with Christ. 

Nehemiah had come up against fierce opposition. He knew there were some people plotting against him and the people of God. He didn’t fight back. He didn’t get angry and retaliate. The Word tells us that he prayed...

“So we prayed to our God...” (Nehemiah 4:9)

When things look bleak...when things look grim... the answer is to cry out to God in prayer. And let the peace that passes all understanding flow from that intimate time spent on our faces before Him.


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.

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