Thank you for meeting my all of my physical needs. I do not want for food, drink and shelter. Or for anything.
I praise you that my need for rest is met in you Lord. And that you lead me in ways that are healthy for my soul.
Who is like you Lord? No one else can restore my soul when it suffers and lead me in healthy and righteous ways.
I am confident in you Lord. I will fear no evil because you have been with me in my darkest valleys. You have comforted me when my soul was in dark anguish.
My heart is overwhelmed by your provision for me. You protect me in dangerous places. Your Spirit anoints me giving me wisdom and blessing.
The glass is not half empty or half full - my cup overflows with your love!!
Of this I am confident - goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life.
And I will live with you forever.
... adapted from the 23rd Psalm
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