Live in the Scriptures, and you will be Kissed by God

Can you believe it's December?  Didn't we just finish off the turkey and dressing?  The older I get the faster the clocks ticks, and like the cartoon the pages of the calendar just seem to fly off constantly.
One good way to reflect on the Reason for the Season (Our Lord Jesus Christ) is to read about His life on a daily basis.

Several of my friends are going to join me and many others, reading one chapter a day in the book of Luke.  This will take us to Christmas Eve, and we will have seen our Savior from Birth to Ascension.  I can't think of a better way to Celebrate Christmas.

Father God, as we read of your life during the Christmas Season from the pen of Dr. Luke under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, I pray you will do something new in our hearts.  May we see You in deeper and more personal ways.   Lord, look deep into our hearts, and show us by your life how we can be victorious and over-comers by following your example, and by the power of the Holy Spirit in our lives.  You have so much for us to meditate on and contemplate during this Season.  Father God, thank you for Your mercy, Your grace, Your forgiveness and Salvation.  Thank You for your Holy Word to show us Yourself!  I love You.   Amen

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