a prayer for boldness


We come to you this day knowing you are our God, the one who created us, sustains us, and never leaves us. The one who loves us with an profoundly deep love, the one whose everlasting arms reach for us every moment of every day.

We boldly approach your throne, knowing you hear us and know us .. because the righteousness of your Son Jesus covers our sin. We come boldly knowing that we are your child, and that you sing and exult over us. Your look upon us is with tender care, and not with judgment.You give us grace upon grace.

We boldly ask for more of You this year, Father. We want more of you in our lives, we want to experience your Holy Spirit guide us continually. We want more of all that you are, and all that you do for us. We want to know you deeply, we want to hear your voice. We want to be joyful in our walk with you each day, and we ask for a boldness to share the truth of what you have done for us, knowing that you are with us each moment.


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.

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