Thankful for Who You Are

You are a righteous God ... You are my refuge and defense ... You are a faithful God ... You are my God. ... Everyone knows how good you are ... Praise the Lord! How wonderfully he showed his love for me. [Psalm 31:1,2,5,14,19, 21 GNT]

In this season of Thanksgiving, I think that we sometimes forget to give thanks for who God is. I love how David speaks to the character of God in this psalm. There is an intimacy projected in each of these verses. It is as if David had personally experienced each of these divine qualities.

Sometimes people confuse rightness with righteousness. I think that righteousness is all about justice and mercy. The Prophet Micah teaches us that a humble walk with God requires us to act justly and love mercy. These two qualities seem to define what it means to be righteous.

The words refuge, defense and faithful speak deeply to me about prayer. I have often come to God in times of deep distress and found spiritual refuge in him. I have sensed him defending me against mental assaults. He has been so faithful to speak comforting and encouraging words to me when I most need it. Please pray with me.

Lord, you are righteous in all that you do.
I give you thanks for who you are in my life.
I give you thanks for your compassion towards me.
I give you thanks for never leaving or forsaking me.
I give you thanks for how you show your love for me.
I give you thanks that you are a place of prayerful refuge.
Praise you Lord for who you are.


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