deliver me

from Psalm 40, a prayer

Do not withhold your mercy from me, Lord;
    may your love and faithfulness always protect me.
 For troubles without number surround me;
    my sins have overtaken me, and I cannot see.
They are more than the hairs of my head,
    and my heart fails within me. Be pleased to save me, Lord;
    come quickly, Lord, to help me.
 May all who want to take my life
    be put to shame and confusion;
may all who desire my ruin
    be turned back in disgrace.
 May those who say to me, “Aha! Aha!”
    be appalled at their own shame.
 But may all who seek you
    rejoice and be glad in you;
may those who long for your saving help always say,
    “The Lord is great!”


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