create in me a thankful heart

This is the image that greets me each morning when I enter the hall bath of our downtown KC loft. It reminds me that thankfulness is a challenge to embrace every single new day. The words challenge me to live a different sort of life.

I honestly don't always pay attention to the words - sometimes I am simply not up for the message. Often I wake up to a life that seems so heavy and I feel so alone and forgotten. Especially, in times like these, I think that it is so hard, yet so necessary to develop a grateful heart. Please join me in prayer.

Create in me a thankful heart dear Lord. Renew a grateful spirit in me. Teach me the ways of gratitude and help me to find ways to reflect a heart that is blessed by your many gifts. When I am tempted to be unthankful please remind me that you are with me and helping me in all things. And in good times cause me to remember the grace that comes from knowing you. I offer you thanks today Lord Jesus.


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