for hope

O Great GOD,

You are the God of all hope, who sent his Son to us, to offer the greatest hope this world could ever know. You are the God of this present hope, as we see the way you are continuing to redeem and heal this world. And you are the God of future hope, as we wait and long for the second coming for your Son, when he will return to take his rightful place as the King of this world.

So with this hope we wait. We are sure of you, when nothing else is sure. We find hope in a world that often feels hopeless. But we know it's not, because you are here, doing powerful and wonderful work in the hearts of your people. 

Help us cling to this hope, Father. Help us to push back despair with the hope that is only offered in your son Jesus Christ.  May this hope sustain and fill us this day.


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