when life seems out of control

I have discovered that I am only trusting God when I am not in control. When we are stressed and in crisis it is good to know that it is appropriate to be still and trust God.

To you, O Lord, do we lift up our troubled hearts.
To you, Dear Father, do we come with childlike faith.

When we are tempted to take control of things uncontrollable,
Remind us, Sovereign Lord, that our job is to simply trust.

When chaos comes and things are beyond control,
Instruct us, Compassionate Teacher, about the joy of being still.

When life is darkest and rescue seems so far away,
Fill us, Beautiful Holy Spirit, with blessed hope and assurance.

And when we feel so alone and so forgotten,
Give us, Merciful God, ears to hear and hearts to believe.

To you, O Lord, do we lift up our troubled hearts.
To you, Dear Father, do we come with childlike faith.


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