prayer for our daily needs

Give us today our daily bread. -Matthew 6:11

Back when I first accepted Christ I had a mindset that God would take care of me and I really didn't need to ask Him for my personal needs - don't remember that lasting too long. ツ

In this verse Jesus is telling us that God wants us to come to Him and ask him to provide us with what we need - food being one of our needs. Prayer of this kind is humble. It acknowledges our need of God to meet even the basic of our needs. It expresses a simple and basic trust in the Lord.

Our Father, often we take You for granted and do not acknowledge our need of you. We repent of our pride in this and in humility we ask you to meet the most basic of our needs - even things like bread. We ask you to give us a heart to each day ask for our needs. We echo Jesus' words and pray in unison: Give us today our daily bread.


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with me.

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