for light to rise among violence

Dear Lord,

The actions of others sometimes bewilder us.
We do not have words to describe the sadness.
We do not understand why some commit violence.

Our hearts break when others murder in your name.
We are so saddened when innocent people are hurt.
We long for a change in the hearts of everyone everywhere.

We ask you Lord to bring comfort to the families and friends of those slain.
We ask that you would bring good from these situations.
We pray that good would overcome evil in our nation and all over the world.

Somehow Lord help where violence has become a way of life.
Cause light to arise in the midst of gang ridden culture.
And in places of hate please show your love through your people.

We ask that you would protect those who do good in this world.
We pray believing in your goodness and trusting in your love.
We pray in the name of Jesus, the Prince of Peace.


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.

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