a prayer about imago dei


We acknowledge that you are the great Creator. The One who spoke this world into being.  The One who looked at what He created and saw that it was good. You are the One who created humans to care for this earth. And when You created men and women, You saw that it was very good.

We are made in Your image, according to Your likeness. You give life to us and for us. No one else is that powerful, that gracious, that loving, that strong.

Each person You've created is to be considered. Loved. Cared for. Seen as good. Though are hearts are wrecked by the ravages of sin, we are all still Your creation. Creations You have redeemed by the blood of the Lamb.

Help us to give all people dignity and worth. Help us to see each person created by You as one who matters. Help us remember that while each person may not be Your child, each person was made in Your image and therefore has value.

Help us to love better. See better. Do better. Care better.


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