crying out in prayer

I am reminded of a time in 1990 when my first wife lay in a hospital room fighting for her life. Oxygen was not getting her extremities and the hospital staff was ready to put her on a breathing machine. In the midst of chaos I asked them to stop. I began to pray out loud words that came from deep within me. A presence filled the room. Oxygen began to flow to her body. It was amazing. I cried out to the Lord and he heard me.

Dear Lord,

In times of trouble.
Help my heart to rest knowing that you are the One who makes me safe.
In seasons of hardship.
Cause me to continue to cry out to the One who lightens my load.
When I am at my wits end.
Quiet my mind so that I can hear the still small voice within.
When nothing makes sense in my life.
Provoke my heart to embrace faith, hope and love.
Moreover Dear Lord.
Instruct me and fill me with your Spirit that I may be a witness for you.

Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.

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