a prayer of becoming

Heavenly Father,

Ever since the moment we received your Son as our Lord and Savior, you've been working on us. We get that. It's good, because we need work. And we will until the day you take us home. But can we just tell you something? It's hard. This whole "becoming like you" thing. It's hard when our sin is shown to us, it's hard when your Spirit convicts us, it's hard when we mess up and hurt someone. And it's really hard to repent and not repeat.

But we are who YOU say we are. Your children. We belong to no one but you. So this becoming is here to stay, and it's for our good. Can you help us lean into this becoming? This sanctification? This molding and shaping? Can you help us understand more fully that while it hurts it will someday help? Can you help us not run away from it?


In Jesus Name,


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