A prayer for the body and soul

Paiting by Russ Fye

Today we pray for a greater understanding of how our bodies and souls are connected. You have made us as wholistic people, mysteriously and wonderfully made in your image. When our hearts are sick, our bodies can feel it. When our bodies are sick, our hearts are affected by this, too. What a mystery! And yet a reminder of how you've created us with intentionalty and purpose.

God, we ask that you help us see the importance of caring for both our bodies and our souls. We are your hands and feet on this earth, called to show the world your Son, Jesus. We are also called to love you with all our hearts, and when our hearts are sick, we cannot love you as you deserve to be loved. Help us to find a balance between sacrifically loving others and taking care of ourselves. Help us to see our bodies and soul as worthy of being cared for well, so we can care of souls and bodies of others.

Help us to see the beauty and the mystery of how you have made us, and help us to see how we can best take care of what you've given us to steward well.


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.

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