for doctors and nurses

I was released yesterday from a 3 day stay in the hospital. Ambulanced to the ER with chest pains at 4 in the morning. Had a bunch of tests and was released yesterday evening. Seeing my primary care physician later this week. These prayers seem so appropriate for the day. Thankful I am posting this from home.

Dear Lord,

Inspire doctors and nurses everywhere with a love for their art and for your creation.

Do not allow thirst for profit, ambition for renown and admiration, to interfere with their profession, for these are the enemies of truth and of love for mankind and they can lead astray in the great task of attending to the welfare of your creation.

Preserve the strength of their bodies and of their souls that they ever be ready to cheerfully help and support rich and poor, good and bad, enemy as well as friend.

In the sufferer let them see only the human being.

Illumine their mind to recognize what presents itself and that it may comprehend what is absent or hidden. Let their mind not fail to see what is visible, but do not permit it to arrogate to itself the power to see what cannot be seen, for delicate and indefinite are the bounds of the great art of caring for the lives and health of Thy creation.

Let these never be absent-minded. May no strange thoughts divert their attention at the bedside of the sick, or disturb their mind in its silent labors, for great and sacred are the thoughtful deliberations required to preserve the lives and health of Thy creatures.

Let doctors and nurses everywhere be contented in everything except in the great science of their profession. Never allow the thought to arise in them that they have attained to sufficient knowledge, but vouchsafe to them the strength, the leisure and the ambition ever to extend their knowledge.

Almighty God! Thou hast chosen these in Thy mercy to watch over the life and death of your creation. Give these grace to apply themselves to their professions. Support them in this great task so that it may benefit mankind, for without Thy help not even the least thing will succeed.


... adapted and excerpted from the Oath and Prayer of Maimonides

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