Don't Lose Heart

Dear Father, I will not lose heart over all that is happening around us. This world is not my home and even though our physical selves are wasting away day by day, no matter how we try to care for them, yet our inward selves, our spirits, are being renewed by your Spirit day by day. The light and momentary struggles we face are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs all the struggles we face. So I am fixing my eyes, keeping my gaze on you, your word, your truth, which I see by faith rather than the circumstances of this life. What I see is temporary, what I cannot see is eternal, forever permanent, never ending, and I give you thanks for that. Amen

Lord, I'm keeping my eyes on You.
I won't look to the left or right
My only goal is keeping You in my sight.
~Twila Paris

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