We speak to God through Prayer ~ God speaks to us from His Word.  Listen as God speaks to you through His word.

My Beloved ~ Do not be wise in your own eyes; but reverently fear Me and flee from evil.  This will bring you a much healthier life.

I am the only living God.  All of the world's wisdom is foolishness to Me, but even my foolishness is wiser than the world's best wisdom.  So listen carefully to My words.  Pay close attention to My instructions.  Focus on them and treasure them in your heart.

If you will delight in My Word and meditate on it day and night, then you will be like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither.  And whatever you do will prosper.

My Word will bring you life and will help you in your time of need.  It is powerful, more powerful than the hopelessness that may invade your soul.  So turn to Me now.  Never forget that I only desire good for you!

I know at times you will face terrible crises, but I also know that My heart for you is to have you discover hope in the midst of your crisis. So turn to Me.  And as you reach out to Me, you will discover My love for you.  I will restore to you a joy greater than you could imagine.  I want your life to be full for you are Mine!
                                                      ~signed:  Jesus


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