Even when it’s hard...

Have you ever lost hope?

Have you ever felt like your prayers were unheard or perhaps simply unanswered?

I dare say that we have all experienced this at some time in our walk. Times of despair and times of defeat.


The Word of God is so beautiful and so powerful. Time and time again, hope is woven into the written Word of truth.

Time and time again, we are reminded that our circumstances aren’t our destination. Our present lot in life isn’t our eternity.

We have hope. And we have it in abundance and we have access to it every minute of every day.

His Name is Jesus. And He is our hope.

When life is difficult. When we are desperate. When things looks bleak....

When things are hard..

Prayer is the key to opening up hope within us. Fall on your face. Cry out to our LORD. And let Him dispense the hope of who He is into your spirit and soul.

Pray always.


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.

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