"Woman why are you weeping?" "Whom are you seeking?"  Supposing him to be the gardener, she said to Him, "Sir, if you have carried Him away, tell me where you have laid Him and I will take Him away."  Jesus said to her, "Mary!"

*In the most tender moments, Jesus called her name, and she immediately recognized Him.  She was shocked with joy!  As Christ had taught in John 10 the Shepherd calls His sheep by name, and they know His voice.  This is the Shepherd calling His sheep by name ~ tenderly, but with the authority of One who has conquered death.  Powerfully, lovingly, gently, He says her name as it has never been spoken before:  "Mary"!

Oh Lord, you rose from the dead.  Your conquered death.  You are the great Shepard who knows my name.  How precious that Mary, who had suffered with seven demons and was made whole by you would be the first to see her Risen Christ.   How precious that the Risen Christ knows each of our names, and calls us to live a resurrected life by the power of the Holy Spirit.  You are Risen!! You are Risen indeed!!  I love you,  I love that you love me and call me by my name.  To God be the Glory.  Amen.

*The Path of His Passion ~ Bill Crowder

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