Deut. 4:29 "But from there you will seek the LORD your God and you will find Him if you search for Him with all your heart and all your soul."

I Kings 19:12  "and after the earthquake a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire, and after the fire a still small voice."
I will seek you Lord
Search with all my heart till I find You
Waiting patiently
Longing for one word to breath new life
Your words are life

I will listen, ever listen
For Your still small voice
Lord I'm longing to know Your more
So I will listen for Your still small voice

Take me to a place
Sheltered from the noise and distraction
Lord be my escape
Open up my heart to whispers of
Your life and love.

~Hidden in my heart ~ Vol II

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Proverbs 11:2  "When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom."

Dear Lord, wisdom is a gift of your grace, and Your grace is given only to the humble.  Pride repels Your grace; but humility protects us from temptation, preserves our peace and prepares us for Your blessings.  Thank You, Father, for telling us how to live in the way that pleases You.  Amen.


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Love for the Church

Our Father, help us to be gracious and kind and seek Your true wisdom that we might conduct ourselves well in this passing world. Help us to love the brothers and sisters throughout your church. We are thankful for the love for You and for Your entire household that You have granted to us. Fill us with Your grace moment by moment, that we might live as followers of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen

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prayer for renewal

Oh God, today we give you our discontent,
we give you our restlessness,
and we give you our despair.

Help us to be renewed in your abounding love,
to cling to your wisdom,
and to do the work that needs to be done.


...adapted by Sojourners from Common Prayer: A Liturgy for Ordinary Radicals

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"Woman why are you weeping?" "Whom are you seeking?"  Supposing him to be the gardener, she said to Him, "Sir, if you have carried Him away, tell me where you have laid Him and I will take Him away."  Jesus said to her, "Mary!"

*In the most tender moments, Jesus called her name, and she immediately recognized Him.  She was shocked with joy!  As Christ had taught in John 10 the Shepherd calls His sheep by name, and they know His voice.  This is the Shepherd calling His sheep by name ~ tenderly, but with the authority of One who has conquered death.  Powerfully, lovingly, gently, He says her name as it has never been spoken before:  "Mary"!

Oh Lord, you rose from the dead.  Your conquered death.  You are the great Shepard who knows my name.  How precious that Mary, who had suffered with seven demons and was made whole by you would be the first to see her Risen Christ.   How precious that the Risen Christ knows each of our names, and calls us to live a resurrected life by the power of the Holy Spirit.  You are Risen!! You are Risen indeed!!  I love you,  I love that you love me and call me by my name.  To God be the Glory.  Amen.

*The Path of His Passion ~ Bill Crowder

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Holy Saturday Prayer

Fourteenth Station,
Jesus Lying in the Tomb,
St. George the Martyr Church,
Newbury, UK.
Lord God,

On the Sabbath,
Jesus rested.
He was in the grave.
He had finished his work.

To most people’s eyes,
It looked as if it were all over.
He was dead and buried.
But only as a seed dies when it is planted in the earth,
Not to decay, but to spring to new life.

Teach us to take refuge in you when we are afraid
Teach us that death is not our end
Teach us to hope always in you
And in the resurrection, the making of all things New.

Through Jesus Christ our Lord,
-Rachel Marie Stone at    

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Thank You, Jesus!


Years I spent in vanity and pride,
Caring not my Lord was crucified,
Knowing not it was for me He died
On Calvary.

By God's Word at last my sin I learned;
Then I trembled at the law I'd spurned,
Till my guilty soul imploring turned
To Calvary.

Oh, the love that drew salvation's plan!
Oh, the grace that brought it down to man!
Oh, the mighty gulf that God did span
At Calvary!

Now I've giv'n to Jesus everything,
Now I gladly own Him as my King,
Now my raptured soul can only sing
Of Calvary!

Mercy there was great, and grace was free;
Pardon there was multiplied to me;
There my burdened soul found liberty
At Calvary.

~William R. Newell

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LUKE 19:38-44
The city that rang out with cries of "Hosanna!" (Lord save us) would soon resound with shouts of "Crucify him!"  Little did the people realize that the one could not be accomplished without the other.  Lord Jesus, although You knew full well that you would be killed, still Your heart ached with compassion for those who would put you to death.  Thank You, Lord, for your passion, for Your courage, for seeing the way and walking in it.  I love You.  Amen.

All glory, laud and honor
To Thee, Redeemer, King!
To whom the lips of children
Made sweet hosannas ring.

Thou are the King of Israel
Thou David's royal Son,
Who in the Lord's name comest,
The King and blessed One!
~John Neal

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I Come to the Cross

“He himself bore our sins…”
1 Peter 2:24 (ESV)

Lord Jesus, I am startled and astonished by that statement. “He himself bore our sins…”  I can hardly think the thought or utter the words: “He himself bore our sins…”

I cannot lift my head or raise my eyes to behold such an unspeakable sight. I can only respond as another sinner: “…the tax collector stood at a distance and dared not even lift his eyes to heaven as he prayed. Instead, he beat his chest in sorrow, saying, ‘O God, be merciful to me, for I am a sinner.’ Luke 18:13 (NLT)

Such mercy reaches beyond our need. It is the love that defies dimension. Lord Jesus enable us to “…. know this love that surpasses knowledge-- Ephesians 3:18-19 (NIV)

And Lord Jesus I think of the song with such appropriate words: “I come to the cross seeking mercy and grace. I come to the cross, where you died in my place. Out of my weakness and into your strength, humbly, I come to the cross. Your arms are open. You call me by name. You welcome this child that was lost. You paid the price for my guilt and my shame, Jesus, I come to the cross.”  Written by Bob Somma and Bill Barstone

Lord Jesus, thank you for bearing my sin and bringing forgiveness and healing to my soul.

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The Head that once was crowned with thorns
Is crowned with glory now;
A royal diadem adorns the mighty Victor's brow!
The highest place that heaven affords
Is His, is His by right,
The King of kings and Lord of lords,
and heaven's eternal Light!
~poet unknown

Father, as the sun refused to shine and darkness covered the earth, You laid down your life to take it up again.  No one took it from you.  It was for that reason you were born.  How can I ever comprehend what you did on that day for ME, and anyone else who would by faith, received your free Gift of Salvation.
Holy Father, I bow in adoration, and gratitude and desire to please you with my love and obedience.  You are the King of kings, and Lord of lords.  I love You.  Amen.


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Father, as prone as we are to first approach You with our own concerns, needs, questions and fear, today we just want to thank You!  Thank you that we can relate to you as our heavenly Father. Thank you for your heart felt way of understanding our weaknesses and failures. Thank you for your patience as you encourage us to share our heart with you.

Somehow we feel akin to the Psalmist when he wrote in Psalm 139:17 (GW) How precious are your thoughts concerning me, O God! How vast in number they are!”

Thank you Father for your grace, generosity, kindness, and the many ways you show your love for us. Today we just want to say: Father, Thank you!

We pray this in the Name of Your beloved Son and our Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ.

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To Be Like Jesus

I wanna be more like You, I wanna be more like You.
I wanna be a vessel You work through, I wanna be more like You.

I sing this often because I long to be more like Jesus! I want to walk each day under the guidance and the promptings of the Holy Spirit. Thanks be to God that even when I make mistakes, He doesn’t turn His back on me. He still loves me and is still willing to call me His own. He has engraved my name on His hand. He’s written His name on my heart, and He claims me as one of His own. There is no one like our God! I will believe. I do believe. I will, therefore, speak with boldness and great power.


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trusting in uncertain times

Dear God,

I do not know where you are leading me.
I do not even know what my next day,
my week, or even my next year will look like.

As I try to keep my hands open,
I trust that you will put your hand in mine
and bring me home.

Thank you, God, for your love.
Thank you.

- a prayer of Henri Nouwen    

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