We have to trust....

Sometimes the hardest part of our Christian walk is the part about trusting. Oh, we say that we trust. We act like we trust. We tell others that we trust. We quote scriptures about trust.

But when it comes down to it, we really don’t fully trust Him in all the details of our life.

Truth is, we have to trust that He has a plan. We have to trust that the plan He has for us is beautiful and perfect. We have to trust that even in the midst of the mess, and the scary, and the unknown, God has a purpose and a plan for our life.

Trust in the LORD.... with all your heart. 

My prayer for us all is that we will put this powerful verse to practice in our lives and begin to walk with Him in a deeply renewed trust in the Creator and the Author of our lives.  

Simply trust the One who can do all things....


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