Forgive us, Lord, that as we grow to maturity, our faith is blighted with doubts, withered with worry, tainted ith sophistication.  We pray that thou wilt make us like children again in faith ~~not childish, but childlike in the simplicity of a faith that is willing to trust thee even though we cannot see what tomorrow will bring.

We ask thee to give to each of us that childlike faith, that simplicity of mind which is willing to lay aside all egotism and conceit, which recognizes vanity for what it is ~~ an empty show, which knows that we are incapable of thinking the thoughts of God, which is willing to be humbled again.   Amen.
                                           ~Peter Marshall (1902-1949)

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  1. I like Catherine and Peter Marshall's writings. That is a great prayer - that God will restore my child like faith in Him. He is forever a good Father.


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