2 Samuel 22:31
"As for God, His way is perfect.
The word of the Lord is proven.
He is a shield to all who trust in Him"

Dear Heavely Father, Gracious and Merciful God how could we lift our souls to another?  Father, make this verse very real in our hearts.  We know your way is perfect, help us to stay in the "way" and not stray.

Father, your Word is proven over and over again.  Not just for us, but throughout history.  Every generation has seen that Your word is true and does just what it says.

Your protection, Your shield is ours by child like faith, trusting You with our lives, our family, friends, and daily choices.  That shield also protects us from those fiirey darts Satan would love to defeat us with.   Lord, You are Good, Holy, Righteous, Truth, Love, Merciful.....How could we lift our hearts to another?  You are the One and Only God and Savior.  I love You.  Amen.


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