
This blessed time of year should bring abundant joy to all of our hearts. And yet, for some, it brings heartache and sorrow. 

There are people mourning the loss of loved ones and dreading the first Christmas without them. Some are grieving over loss of relationship, loss of a job, loss of direction, a grim diagnosis. 

There may be some that wonder if they will ever feel joy again.

Truth is, as long as we are living on this earth, we can be certain: joys and sorrows will come, often simultaneously. But in Christ, we have hope. 

Hope that our hearts will heal. Our losses will be temporary. Our sorrow will turn to joy.

While we may grieve, praise God we do not grieve as those with no hope. We rejoice at the miracle that Christ came to earth to save His children. Calling to mind His perfect life, willing sacrifice, and the salvation secured by His resurrection is the only thing that can bring rejoicing during difficult times. 

We have the confidence that God will wipe away every tear and bring a ray of hope into places of pain and darkness.

We can mourn, knowing we are blessed, because there is coming a time of eternal comfort.

“Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.” (Matthew 5:4)


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