a prayer to slow down

Heavenly Father,

As we enter into a busy season of holiday celebrations, we give you thanks. We praise your name on high, grateful that you are a God who saves. The true God who is present, near us at every moment. The one true God worthy of our worship and love.

Help us to breathe, O God, in this rush. In and out, with deep inhaling and slow exhaling. Let us sit in silence for a few moments each day, to listen, to slow down. To be quiet.

For you guide us, O God, and we must learn to be silent and listen for your voice. To listen for your direction. Most of all, to enjoy you. Teach us to slow down, to be present as we create memories and experiences. To slow down and see all that you are and all that you are doing around us.

Teach us to enjoy you.


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.

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