a prayer for guidance as we vote


You know every challenge we face, every opposition in front of us. You know every desire of our heart, and you know the sins with which we struggle. We have decisions before us, today, O God, and we need help.

Forgive us for all the times we've gone our own ways, and for the ways we've chosen to figure this out on our own, rather than looking to you.

As we go to the polls, we ask for your guidance. Help us to listen to your voice, to ask ourselves hard questions, to be informed as we cast our votes. Our country is divided and wounded, O God. We hurt each other, and we hurt ourselves. We need your deep, abiding presence. We need your powerful healing.

We need your direction, because we are wayward. We need your strength, because we are weak. We often vote with our emotions or our mind, rather than seek your will and turn to your word for help.

Holy Spirit, come, settle here and teach us in the moment. Guide us as we vote, so that we may honor you and you alone.


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.

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