Hurrican Faith

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 As I was reading my Bible this morning, I notice a note I had put on the margin from 9/4/2005 from a message my dearest had preached when he got back from helping after Hurricane Katrina.  The title of the message was called "Herricane  Faith".

Hurricans are so devastating, people in the midst of them need something to hang on too.  This message gives 5 things you can bank on from God's Word.

1.  Focus on God's eternal presence.  ~ Duet. 31:8, I John 14;16
2.  Focus on God's eternal promises.  ~ II Sam. 22:31
3.  Focus on God's eternal power.      ~  Isa.26:4, Psm. 89:8
4   Focus on God's eternal purpose    ~  Jer.29:11, Rom 8:28
5   Focus on God's eternal hope        ~   Psm. 62:5

Dear Father, as we think of all the folks that have loss so much in the recent Hurricans, we pray that their hearts can focus on God's Eternal, Presence, Promises, Power, Purposes and HOPE.  Bring peace and a sense of comfort and healing to all those who have suffered so much and lost their earthly possessions.  How thankful you have promised to be with us and never leave us.  I love You.  Amen.


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