
Many people will walk in and out of your life,

but only true friends will leave footprints in your heart.

Eleanor Roosevelt
A friend loves at all times, Proverbs 17:17 (HCSB)
There are many things we can say about a true friendship. It is faithful, loyal, honest, devoted, sacrificing, sometimes painfully confrontational, on rare occasions disappointing. But true friendship is always looking out for your best interests. Above all loves at all times.
What is unique about this friendship is that it takes work and time to develop. Such friendship is built on the brutal reality of honesty. It is forged in the fires of disagreement. It is sealed by the power of unconditional love. Friendship of this kind is enduring as well as endearing. It is one of life’s greatest treasures and at death one of life’s greatest losses. There are fewer words in human language that have a deeper meaning than the word friend.
I dedicate this prayer to Tom, my dear friend, who for over 45 years was a friend in the truest sense of the word.
Thank you Father for all of the wonderful people you bring into our lives to encourage us. How lonely and unlivable life would be without there support. Especially for those unique people we call and claim as friends.  For Tom I give you thanks, a brother in Christ, a colleague in calling, a counselor in life and a friend at all times. Thank you Father for the memories, in the name of Jesus, the best friend we will ever have in time and eternity. Amen!

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