deepest grief


Father, you are so faithful to us. So giving and strong. You are worthy of our time, attention, love, and worship. Only you, Father. Only you.

We come with hearts who love you but also love the world. We know you are all-knowing and powerful, all-loving and gracious, yet we chose to love other people and other things more. This is quite often the cause of our heart ache, and Lord, we turn to you in our sorrow.

We are sorry for impatience, temper, deaf ears, and loose tongues. In our days of deepest grief, we often don't see how much you love us. You are truly the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort. Thank you for teaching us about you in our grief, and how to share comfort to those also grieving. Help us to to not assume we fully understand your timing or reasons. Help us to understand and believe that you know best.

Help us to trust in who you are and not in who we think you ought to be.


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